July 8, 2011

Ang Aking Dalawang Sentimo sa Enhanced K+12 Basic Education Program

I did some research, or in other words Google’d, the government’s new education plan; the Enhanced K+12 Basic Education Program.

I found the official discussion paper on the Department of Education website; http://www.deped.gov.ph/cpanel/uploads/issuanceImg/nov29-k12.pdf

As I read thru the document, I find its content very informative and I thought that the overall proposal was great. Hard to believe, I actually liked what the government plans to do in improving the educational system of the country.

In a nutshell, an additional of two years are added to the current system which will be called senior high school.

I don’t mind the additional 2 years, most countries use the 12-year school program. If it sets us at par with other successful countries, I’m for it.

BUT!!! Being a self proclaimed realist, I can’t help but to be skeptic of the upgrade. The intentions of the program are good, but I highly doubt its execution. I’m basing this by our country’s track record and history. If the current system doesn’t work, overhaul. But the new system should be more than a hundred percent improvement from its predecessor and perfectly executed, not half-assed.

Parts of the paper caught my attention. So, I’d like to present this piece which I call...

Enhanced K+12 Program: The Promise, the Reality..

The Promise: The graduate has the courage, the drive, and the relevant skills to engage in work and have a productive life. Every graduate will be able to embark in the modern world prepared to meet challenges.

The Reality:

The Promise: Additional two years of senior high school should provide time for students to consolidate acquired academic skills and competencies.

The Reality:

The Promise: Every graduate of the Enhanced K+12 Basic Education Program will benefit from a reformed and updated curriculum that is focused on enabling every child to achieve mastery of core competencies and skills.

The Reality:

The Promise: Every graduate of the Enhanced K+12 Basic Education Program is ready to take his or her place as a productive member of society. They are equipped to take on every opportunity in life he or she chooses – to find work, to engage in higher studies, or to start an entrepreneurial endeavor.

The Reality:

The Promise: Graduates will possess competencies and skills relevant to the job market. 

The Reality: "What job market?"

The Promise: Graduates will be able to earn higher wages and/or better prepared to start their own business.

The Reality:

The Promise: Expanding the education program will be pursued mindful of the need to address the input shortages – teachers, classrooms, desks, water and sanitation, and quality textbooks.

The Reality:

The Promise: A study will be undertaken to determine the financial implications and the options for financing the K+12 Basic Education model that will be adopted.

The Reality:

I believe that education is most important to achieve national growth and success. All problems would be solved or at least mitigated if every Filipino receives quality education.
'Wag na tayong umasa sa iba, tulungan natin ang ating sarili! Ngayon na! Kilos na!